Candle Gazing Meditation

“Candle gazing involves focus.” It can also be used to teach and increase concentration. People to focus on their thoughts and receive a condition of peace of mind.

When you are looking at one object, it helps you with focus and emptying your mind. Gaze continuously at the tiny spot until eyes are filled with tears, they considered, believing it might be beneficial in the treatment of eye conditions.

The Advantages of Candle Meditation is to increased mental performance and focus – Constant eye movement in persons who struggle to concentrate. Also helps with,

  • Improved memory and longitudinal attention – improved mental health – Meditation has long been used as a tool for stress relief and relaxation. Candlelight meditation also invokes tears, a potentially purifying experience.

    “When practiced until the eyes water, it can have a cleansing effect that not only clears debris from the surface of the eye but also clears debris that has collected in the mind,”

  • Improved sleep quality – When a sign of unrested mind is noticed, candle meditation helps with relaxation; it can also improve sleep quality. People practicing daily for 10 minutes may reduce insomnia and enhance sleep quality.

Improved eye health – candlelight meditation may help prevent and benefits the vision.

You would need:

  • Any source of light such as candle or oil lamp (also known as diya in India)
  • A safe, stable surface for your candle/ lamp
  • A comfortable place to sit.
  • A dark, quiet room – avoid clutter around. Ensure there are NO window drapes, or any clothes kept which could catch fire!

To do candlelight meditation, follow the suggestive steps:

  • Find your optimal time of day.
  • Find a dark, quiet space with no interruptions.
  • Sit straight, with the candle at eye-level.
  • Take a few deep breaths and settle into your intention.
  • To start with you may set a timer for 1 minute.
  • Follow the movements of the candle flame with your eyes.
  • Observe your thoughts as they come up, but gently let them go without judgment. Avoid engaging with them.
  • Try to blink as little as possible.
  • Develop a sense that your eyes merge and become one eye, invoking the intuitive third eye chakra.
  • Conclude with gratitude.


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